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Casualty Care: Hemorrhage Control 

Bristlecone 12105 W Cedar Drive, Lakewood, CO

Casualty Care: Hemorrhage Control  It’s important to know what to do in case of an emergency! Casualty Care: Hemorrhage Control is an absolute necessity. In this class, participants will learn the basic skills needed to respond and care for a person's injuries and to decrease preventable deaths in high-stress situations. Participants will get hands-on training… Read More »Casualty Care: Hemorrhage Control 


Introduction to Home Defense

Bristlecone 12105 W Cedar Drive, Lakewood, CO

  Introduction to Home Defense This class is designed to quantify the steps you will need to take in your home, your commute, or your workplace, to understand the amplifiers and the inhibitors surrounding your safety and the safety of your community. In this class you will learn how to evaluate the areas you travel… Read More »Introduction to Home Defense



Bristlecone 12105 W Cedar Drive, Lakewood, CO

  FAFO This class will give participants the skills and experience needed to react to emergency situations with a higher level of confidence. The session will expose the reality of defensive encounters through fact-based scenarios to put each participant's skill level to the test. Students will have the chance to respond to different scenarios that… Read More »FAFO

Casualty Care: Hemorrhage Control 

Bristlecone 12105 W Cedar Drive, Lakewood, CO

Casualty Care: Hemorrhage Control  It’s important to know what to do in case of an emergency! Casualty Care: Hemorrhage Control is an absolute necessity. In this class, participants will learn the basic skills needed to respond and care for a person's injuries and to decrease preventable deaths in high-stress situations. Participants will get hands-on training… Read More »Casualty Care: Hemorrhage Control 


Introduction to Home Defense

Bristlecone 12105 W Cedar Drive, Lakewood, CO

  Introduction to Home Defense This class is designed to quantify the steps you will need to take in your home, your commute, or your workplace, to understand the amplifiers and the inhibitors surrounding your safety and the safety of your community. In this class, you will learn how to evaluate the areas you travel… Read More »Introduction to Home Defense

Both Sides of the Gun

Bristlecone 12105 W Cedar Drive, Lakewood, CO

Both Sides of the Gun Imagine a scenario where someone is badly injured, bleeding out in front of you, and there is still an active shooter in the area. It’s a scenario no one wants to find themselves in, but being prepared can increase that person’s chance of survival. Being able to switch from an… Read More »Both Sides of the Gun


Casualty Care: Hemorrhage Control 

Casualty Care: Hemorrhage Control  It’s important to know what to do in case of an emergency! Casualty Care: Hemorrhage Control is an absolute necessity. In this class, participants will learn the basic skills needed to respond and care for a person's injuries and to decrease preventable deaths in high-stress situations. Participants will get hands-on training… Read More »Casualty Care: Hemorrhage Control 


Basic Tactical Knife

Bristlecone 12105 W Cedar Drive, Lakewood, CO

Basic Tactical Knife  This class covers the basic concepts of working with a bladed weapon! During the class, students will learn both offensive and defensive skills and the session will focus on straightforward techniques to promote blade safety and self-confidence. There will be stress-based scenario training during the class as well so students can see… Read More »Basic Tactical Knife


Close Quarter Battle (CQB) Workshop 

Longmont LEO training center 10916 County Road 5, Longmont, CO

Close Quarter Battle (CQB) Workshop   The CQB workshop is a great opportunity for people of all levels and experience to train together and get more CQB experience.  Never underestimate the importance of keeping your CQB  skills on point or the chance to learn new skills.  The 4RT Instructor team will be there to work with… Read More »Close Quarter Battle (CQB) Workshop 


Basic Tactical Knife

Bristlecone 12105 W Cedar Drive, Lakewood, CO

Basic Tactical Knife  This class is designed to provide students with the fundamental knowledge and skills for effectively working with a bladed weapon. Participants will be trained in both offensive and defensive techniques, with an emphasis on blade safety and building self-confidence. Distance assessment while using an edged weapon will also be covered, ensuring students… Read More »Basic Tactical Knife


FAFO -Facilitating Alternative Fighting Options

Bristlecone 12105 W Cedar Drive, Lakewood, CO

  FAFO -Facilitating Alternative Fighting Options This class will give participants the skills and experience needed to react to emergency situations with a higher level of confidence. The session will expose the reality of defensive encounters through fact-based scenarios to put each participant's skill level to the test. Students will have the chance to respond… Read More »FAFO -Facilitating Alternative Fighting Options

Introduction to Home Defense

Bristlecone 12105 W Cedar Drive, Lakewood, CO

  Introduction to Home Defense This class is designed to quantify the steps you will need to take in your home, your commute, or your workplace, to understand the amplifiers and the inhibitors surrounding your safety and the safety of your community. In this class, you will learn how to evaluate the areas you travel… Read More »Introduction to Home Defense
