Course Descriptions
Dynamic Firearm courses: This collection of courses is designed to test and reinforce the participant’s fundamental tools necessary for tactical shooting. We focus on the participants having the basic to advance skills needed for any scenario they might encounter, whether they are private security, military, police or the public. The skills learned are tied together with stress inoculation scenario training.
CQB Workshop: The CQB workshop is a great opportunity for people of all levels and experience to train together and get more CQB experience. Never underestimate the importance of keeping your CQB skills on point or the chance to learn new skills. The 4RT Instructor team is on hand to work with you to improve your CQB foundations and help you raise your overall skill level. In we will do different drills, stress-based scenario training, and force-on-force drills.
- Hemorrhage Control: It’s important to know what to do in case of an emergency! Casualty Care: Hemorrhage Control is an absolute necessity. In this class, participants will learn the basic skills needed to respond and care for a person’s injuries and to decrease preventable deaths in high-stress situations. Participants will get hands-on training and the opportunity to get multiple reps in during the course. Be prepared in the case an accident occurs and come learn the necessary information that can help save a life!
- Advanced GS Medical Course: This class builds off of the skills taught in the Casualty Care: Hemorrhage Control class and will introduce reality-based skills and information! Participants will learn how to respond to and care for patients in a tactical environment and how to treat a wide range of injuries to decrease preventable deaths in high-stress situations. The skills learned will be put to the test with stress-based scenario training. This trauma medicine course covers scene security, CAT tourniquet, 10-minute medicine, trauma medicine scenarios, IFAK items, Basic Trauma Medicine, gloves, stopping the bleeding, and proper EDC kit.
- Both Sides of the Gun: Imagine a scenario where someone is badly injured, bleeding out in front of you, and there is still an active shooter in the area. It’s a scenario no one wants to find themselves in, but being prepared can increase that person’s chance of survival. Being able to switch from an active defensive/offensive mindset to a medical mindset can be extremely difficult. Having the tools and knowledge on hand to step in and save lives is no longer a luxury – it has become a necessity. Both Sides of the Gun is a very unique opportunities for participants to experience both defensive and medical training at the same time. The course is designed to reinforce each participant’s fundamental skills necessary for defensive pistol shooting and to give every participant a foundation for their IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit). We will be focusing on every detail, being sure that each participant leaves with the necessary skills for any scenarios that they may encounter in and around their home or workplace. Over the course of the class, participants will learn in many different training settings (classroom / simulated shoot house/firing range). The class utilizes stress-based scenario training to reinforce the skills learned throughout the day.
Fight Lab: This catalog of courses is designed as a modular and progressive path covering many areas: striking, advanced striking, street grappling, BJJ , Aikido and handheld weaponry. Fast-paced and fun, these training sessions focus on straightforward techniques to promote fitness, safety, self-confidence, and optimal performance. Fight lab courses create and encourage the opportunity to “Lab out” or test different techniques and concepts in real world scenarios. These classes also cover topics often left out of other programs, topics such as early detection and evasion skills, as well as techniques to regulate one’s nervous system under stress. This group of classes covers all distances of hand to hand fighting.
Basic Tactical Knife: This class covers the basic concepts of working with a bladed weapon! During the class, students will learn both offensive and defensive skills and the session will focus on straightforward techniques to promote blade safety and self-confidence. There will be stress-based scenario training during the class as well so students can see how they respond under pressure! This class also covers distance assessment while using an edged weapon
Tactical Knife Level 2: This class builds on top of the basic concepts covered in the Basic tactical Knife class. During the class, students will learn advanced offensive and defensive blade skills. The session will focus on straightforward techniques with a high percentage of success. There will be some stress-based scenario training during the class as well so students can see how they respond under pressure! This class also covers distance and target assessments while using an edged weapon.
Combatives: Want to start learning physical combatant skills but not sure where to start? Join us in the 4 Rings Tactical Combatives class! This class is a modular and progressive path that covers many areas: striking, advanced striking, street grappling, BJJ, and Aikido. Fast-paced and fun, these training sessions focus on straightforward techniques to promote fitness, safety, self-confidence, and optimal performance! The skills learned will be mixed into stress-based scenario training. These classes also cover all distances of open-hand fighting.
Women’s Self-Defense class With ongoing instances of threats and violence against women in recent years, 4RT offers a women’s self-defense class. This course is different from other self-defense classes, this course is for women and taught by women. The course will focus on early threat detection, and highly effective techniques for evasion, escape, and threat elimination, known as the HERA method. HERA: Highly effective, Environmental awareness, Realistic, and Active. During the course, the instructors will talk about the physical and mental aspects of an incident and the best ways to process it. The course will address an incident from the before, during, and post mindsets. The goal of the course is to educate and empower women.
Tactical communications: In this group of classes participants learn the gentle art of persuasion that redirects other’s behavior with words and generates voluntary compliance. The premise: “Say what you want but do what I say” is the goal. T.C. is having the ability to talk individuals who are hostile or not in complete control of their behavior into voluntarily compliance without the need of any physical force. T.C. is a communication skills training that can not only be used by professionals on the job but also ordinary people in their work environments, and with family and friends. The skills learned are perfected through experienced based scenario training.
Environmental Awareness (EA): During EA classes participants learn the basic and advanced concepts of environmental awareness and tactics. EA is broken up into 3 areas: Internal, External, People / Other. Only by monitoring all 3 environments can you have an understanding of what is really going on around you and if you are under direct threat or collateral threat. EA skills are learned in a combination of classroom and scenario based training.
Report Writing: A good report is one that enables any person to reconstruct the events exactly as they occurred. The report contains all of the essential facts so that a party who was not at the scene can understand exactly what happened. Reports must be factual, clear, concise, complete, and objective. These classes are specifically geared towards private security or law enforcement, however, any person can benefit from learning how to write objective reports and recount events in a way that will provide the most accurate information to a third party. This would come in handy when having witnessed an accident or needing to make a statement to police or a court of law.
Force Continuum / Use of Force: The concept of a force continuum has been around for years and is still taught at most police academies. The force continuum is broken down into six broad levels. Each level is designed to have an elastic factor as the need for force changes during an incident. The force level should always be appropriate for the circumstances and adjust up and down as the situation requires. During these trainings participants will be confronted with different situations requiring different levels of force. That way the participants will not only learn the application of the different kinds of force but also gain experience in adjusting to the fluidity of a given situation and to switch between levels of force. The learned skills will be practiced through stress based scenarios.
Crowd control and Event security: These classes address a skill set all private security will benefits from. Security personnel will often encounter crowds durning their daly duties. Usually these crowds will be well behaved, such as in a shopping mall, school, church, or athletic event. Unfortunately, from time to time, crowds will become unruly, loud, and potentially very dangerous. In this group of classes participants will learn different skills and strategies to control crowds and protect individuals from harm. The classes are taught through a combination of classroom and hands on experience based scenario training.
Urban Survival: This catalog of courses is a unique opportunity for participants to experience a very broad spectrum of training. The courses are designed to give participants the skills they will need no matter the urban situation they encounter. These courses pack in an amazing amount of training and experience in every session. Participants will learn real-world practical skills taught by professionals and experts in their field. All participants will receive certifications in many different skills and will be eligible to apply for their CCW.
Basic Executive Protection Course: This course is for participants wanting to enter the professional world of Executive Protection (EP). The course will cover a very broad spectrum of training and is designed to give a participant all the skills they will need to start working in the EP field. Participants will receive instruction from EP professionals with years of experience. All participants will receive certifications in the skills learned during the course.
Executive Protection for the Citizen: This course is for participants wanting to learn the skills of an Executive Protection professional so they may better protect themselves and the people they care about. The course will cover most of the same subjects covered in our Basic EP course and is designed to give you all the skills you will need to truly protect your family and co-workers with confidence. Participants will receive instruction from EP professionals with years of experience in the field. All participants will receive certifications in the skills learned during the course
Re-Wild: These programs are designed to aid participants with reconnect to the wild and to allow them to rediscover the wild in themselves. This series of courses are combining: kick ass outdoor fun, wilderness survival skills, reconnecting with nature around them, increasing their ability to deal with and overcome stress, staying healthy, physical exertion and mental clarity. All classes will be held at different outdoor locations where participants will be able to get their hands dirty and learn through experience.
SCP: ( Strength & Conditioning Program) 12, 1 hour/sessions. This boot camp is designed to greatly enhance athletic performance and is your blueprint to increase your overall fitness level. SCP is an extremely effective 6-week strength and conditioning program that will help you improve your levels of strength, power, and speed while increasing your cardiovascular performance. Whether you train tactically, defensively, or even for competitions and matches, this camp will assist you in not only boosting your athletic performance, it will improve movement and stamina. The program will balance exercise and basic nutrition with positive encouragement and fun workouts! With this team’s years of training professional and amateur athletes, law enforcement, and military personnel, they have created training methods that are extremely efficient and simple to follow. Each member of the 4 Rings Tactical boot camp team is a skilled and experienced trainer who is excited to help people achieve their personal fitness goals